Vendor Information


Life Mastery Ministry Presents
The Ecclesia:
The Assembly of the Called Out Ones
A Retreat Hosted by Shepherds of Women
September 27-29, 2018
Held at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriot

Selection Process – Selection of vendor displays will be based on relevance to the theme of the conference and date of receipt of the completed Vendor Registration and Vendor Agreement Forms.

Rate – The rate per vendor space is $75.00 per day or $150.00 for the entire retreat. All vendor space must be paid prior to July 31, 2018. Each vendor space includes 1 (one) 6-foot draped exhibit table and two chairs. *Any vendors desiring to have access to retreat sessions, must register for the retreat to gain access.

Exhibition Hours – Vendors move-in will take place on Thursday morning, September 27, between 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Exhibits will be open Thursday from 12:00pm – 7pm, Friday 9am-7pm and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Vendors will have until 4:00 p.m. on September 29 to remove all materials from the Vendor Area. Times are subject to change at the discretion of event organizers

Cancellation Policy – Vendor space fee is non-refundable. A 100 percent cancellation fee will be charged for this event.

Inquiries – For inquiries regarding payment or general questions, contact us at


Management Rights:
Management reserves the right to restrict exhibits that become objectionable because of noise, method of operation, materials, or, in general, detracts from the general character of the Retreat.

Care of Building and Equipment:
Vendors or their representatives must not damage or deface the walls of the building, the displays, or the equipment of the display. If such damage occurs, the exhibitor is liable to the owner of the property damaged. All materials used in the decoration must be flameproof.

Use of Space:
All demonstrations or other promotional material or activities must be confined to the limits of the vendor space.

The vendor is solely responsible for his/her own exhibit material and should insure against loss or damage. Life Mastery Ministries and the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott are not responsible for such loss or damage. Please secure all items of value. All property of the vendor is understood to remain in his/her care, custody and control in transit to and from, and within the confines of the vendor area.

To register as a vendor online, click here. Thank you and God bless you. We look forward to seeing you in September!